Project goals
To ensure the employers and employees in SK and RO keep the pace with the accelerated transformation of the world of work in the context of COVID-19 pandemics and build capacity to further deal with skills development challenges
To better understand the barriers and triggers of employees in relation to LLL
To understand in a systemic manner the national frameworks where employees and employers operate
To better understand the needs of employees/employers in terms of skills in the context of digitalization
To start building solutions for improving LLL in RO and SK, developing new educational pathway, including for micro credentials
To improve the social partners' capacity on lifelong learning processes by learning from more experienced employers’ organizations – Ireland and Austria
To improve Romanian and Slovakian social partners’ capacity to participate in European-level social dialogue processes with the view to existing initiatives and targets (Summit Porto Declaration, the New Skills Agenda, incoming EU social partners Work Programme 2022-2024, future EU initiative aiming to improve/boost training provision across Europe, etc.)
The AdultLearningROSK project is co-funded by the European Union. The sole responsibility of the content published on this website lies with the author. The European Commission or any other body of the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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